Category Archives: Scrapbook Paper

Watermelon Scrapbook Printable

Watermelon Scrapbook Printable

A free watermelon scrapbook printable is free to download for everyone who loves watermelon. Since its getting warmer outside, having a fun picnic is on everyone’s mind. That would include grilling hotdogs, hamburgers, and eating a piece of juicy watermelon. I decided now was the time a watermelon scrapbook design was in order. There are…

Blue Swirls Background Paper

Blue Swirls Background Paper

Have you ever wanted some blue swirl background paper in your life? Yes? Well, this Easter weekend, I created a fun scrapbook page filled with vibrating lines and swirls. Everyone needs a few odd background pieces for their digital scrapbook journal.  I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday of fun and eating. Relaxing was…